I just returned from a writer’s conference where I, an unpublished David in the Elah valley of literature, was privileged to pitch manuscripts to editors from various publishing houses. Most were large corporations, some were divisions of Big Six Imprints — Goliaths — and all were extremely interested in my work. From here, the ball is in my gracious literary agent’s court, from which formal proposals will fly in coming weeks like tennis balls from Serena Williams.
My literary agent, Mary G. Keeley of Books & Such Literary Agency, and me.
But here’s the thing. When I was at seminary as an <ahem> older female student, my profs repeatedly asked one question: what are you going to do with your seminary degree? It wasn’t a casual query. They were genuinely interested in what a middle-aged woman not destined for traditional ministry (by choice) would do after three years of hard labor chasing deeper knowledge of God. My truthful response was, “only God knows.”
I’ve dwelt on faith’s fringe all my life. As a kid wondering how the seven-day Biblical creation dovetailed with scientific eras of earth’s development. As a young lady pursuing afine education when others were marrying young. As a single adult building a business, knowing there might not BE a Mr. Wonderful. As a mother homeschooling while managing a thriving business, trying to sustain a relationship with the late-arriving Mr. Wonderful. As a mature woman at Dallas Theological receiving a doctrinally sound platform on which to stack boxes of experience, education, and enthusiasm.
The truly AMAZING conference news is every single editor loved the work and wants more, appreciating my desire to be a vigorous, joyful voice for intelligent women of faith while espousing a global worldview.
Brace yourselves. I am empowered by Almighty God. Hallelujah!