The last couple of years have been all about making good use of pandemic restrictions. Lynn has been refining her plotting and writing, taking online classes in creative writing, and “suffering for her craft” by reading a ridiculous number of quality suspense and thriller books. As a result of all that solitary work, she’s written THIRSTY BONES.
Set in the Middle East, this new manuscript features an intelligent, courageous, and sassy heroine “of a certain vintage”—the cornerstone of Lynn’s literary voice. Archaeologist Grace Madison will delight readers as she struggles to save her adult kids against the backdrop of pending environmental war.
In the spring of 2022 Lynn attended the Algonkian conference in New York. Enthusiastic critiques from literary agents helped Lynn refine THIRSTY BONES and opened the door to one of the finest thriller editors in the business. After sending her manuscript to him in June for one last assault, Lynn headed to tel Shiloh (Israel), where she helped open the dig season. It was great to be on-site again—to reconfirm facts, update her knowledge of procedures and technology, and immerse herself in the dusty, sweaty, invigorating work while surrounded by energetic and committed professionals and volunteers.
On her way back from Israel, Lynn swung through New York to attend Thrillerfest, where more enthusiastic agent feedback echoed the response she received at Algonkian. After incorporating one last batch of edits, Lynn began shopping THIRSTY BONES in late summer.
Surrounded by the colors of a Rocky Mountain autumn, Lynn has returned from fishing open water southeast of the Kenai Peninsula, where she boated enough salmon, halibut, lingcod, and rockfish to last a couple of years—even if she gives fish for Christmas! She’s outlining a second manuscript in this new series before heading early next year to Morocco and Egypt, where she’ll tour digs and familiarize herself with the environment and culture of the two magical and iconic countries. When she returns to her mountaintop, Lynn will begin writing book two.
So many adventures, so little time . . .