The Cuneiform’s First Post by a Reluctant Blogger (9/19/12)
Life’s surprises are opportunities to practice a teachable spirit.
That’s what I tell my hermit self as I emerge cautiously from under sandstone to embrace a third career as novelist and blogger. The goods news is I have an answer to the eternal question, “What are YOU going to do with your seminary degree?” The bad news is sharing involves risk. Or, in this case, at least visibility. Only God knows…
Welcome to The Cuneiform, an extension of myself and my protagonist, Archaeologist Dr. Grace Madison.
The blog is not a self-obsessed venture born of boredom and bravado, but part of a larger platform based on faith and fiction. Grace and I have neither soul patch nor tattoo, adornments we associate with successful bloggers. We are only “hip and trendy” as the phrase relates to curvaceous body parts, and clothes from the seventies, respectively.
If you can relate, please join us as we ride camels across publishing’s desert. Explore the evolution of love when child-rearing ends, and rediscovery begins. And enjoy the amazing adventure of Christian life shared in weekly blogs.
We hope we’ll be good company on your vicarious vacation through Israel and Jordan, Western Europe, Peru and Chile, and Greece and Turkey (so far). God leads us on quite the journey, and we’re finally ready to share.
So prop up your dusty hiking boots, shake the desert sand from your safari vest, and brew a cup of hot tea — mint, of course! — to prepare for the stories ahead.
We warmly welcome you.